I received the One Lovely Blog Award!
Thank you, Diana Jenkins, for selecting my blog for the One Lovely Blog Award. You are so sweet, and a blessing to me also!
Here are 7 things that people might not know about me:
1. I play yahtzee with my husband when we take a lunch break.
2. I do Sudoku while I’m watching TV (which is probably why I never know what’s going on!)
3. The TV show, The Middle, is based on my family—ok, not really, but some of the things in that show could be!
4. I do not like the cold weather in winter but my favorite winter thing to do when I was a kid was to go ice skating!
5. I once had so many tomatoes in my garden that I made catsup—it tasted good! But it took so long to make that I never did it again.
6. My favorite vacations are going places where we can get outside and walk or hike and enjoy nature.
7. My favorite nursing job was working as a school nurse—I still remember those kids!
I am passing on the One Lovely Blog Award to the following bloggers. Please check out their ‘lovely’ blogs!
Karen Kulinski
Katie Mitschelen
Peggy Reiff Miller
Kristi Valiant
Kim Piddington
Angie Karcher
Judith L. Roth
Kate Collins
Joyce Ragland
Stephanie Bearce
Sharon Biggs Waller
Here are the rules for accepting this award:
• Thank the person who nominated you for the award.
• Add the One Lovely Blog logo to your post.
• Share 7 things about yourself.
• Nominate up to 15 bloggers you admire and inform the nominees by commenting on their blog. Read More
Thank you, Diana Jenkins, for selecting my blog for the One Lovely Blog Award. You are so sweet, and a blessing to me also!
Here are 7 things that people might not know about me:
1. I play yahtzee with my husband when we take a lunch break.
2. I do Sudoku while I’m watching TV (which is probably why I never know what’s going on!)
3. The TV show, The Middle, is based on my family—ok, not really, but some of the things in that show could be!
4. I do not like the cold weather in winter but my favorite winter thing to do when I was a kid was to go ice skating!
5. I once had so many tomatoes in my garden that I made catsup—it tasted good! But it took so long to make that I never did it again.
6. My favorite vacations are going places where we can get outside and walk or hike and enjoy nature.
7. My favorite nursing job was working as a school nurse—I still remember those kids!
I am passing on the One Lovely Blog Award to the following bloggers. Please check out their ‘lovely’ blogs!
Karen Kulinski
Katie Mitschelen
Peggy Reiff Miller
Kristi Valiant
Kim Piddington
Angie Karcher
Judith L. Roth
Kate Collins
Joyce Ragland
Stephanie Bearce
Sharon Biggs Waller
Here are the rules for accepting this award:
• Thank the person who nominated you for the award.
• Add the One Lovely Blog logo to your post.
• Share 7 things about yourself.
• Nominate up to 15 bloggers you admire and inform the nominees by commenting on their blog. Read More